Welcome to Our Clinic
Your Wellness Destination
Loopleは、2013年に東京・麻布十番で創業されました。その後、2019年4月に3院目となるアムステルダム院を開院しました。私たちは、すべてのお客様に「良い空間と時間を提供し、心と体をリフレッシュする」という基本的なお約束をしています。これからもお客様にご満足いただける最高のケアを提供するため、成長を続けてまいります。Loopleは、すべてのお客様が明るく前向きで健康的な生活を送れるよう、全力でサポートいたします。これまでの実績については、「WORK RESULTS」をぜひご覧ください。
What is Loople?
Loople is a portmanteau crafted with our heartfelt intention: Loop ('circle' or 'connection') + People = Loople It embodies the concept of valuing connections and relationships among individuals, with the hope that these circles continuously expand and grow wider. To ensure we always cherish this principle, we named our clinic center "Loople." This name serves as a constant reminder of our commitment. At Loople, we make three promises to our clients.
"Switching Mind and Body"
At Loople, we provide personalized and meticulous care to help you lead a more active daily life. Our trusted practitioners (*) understand your condition and habits, assisting you in achieving peak performance. Whether you're an athlete, artist, or office worker, we tailor our care to your specific goals. In a serene environment, we aim to refresh your mind and body through relaxed care.
(*) Loople employs qualified professionals such as acupuncturists, massage therapists, judo therapists, and athletic trainers to provide specialized care for your body.
"Continuously Evolving"
In our pursuit of delivering the best possible care, we embrace continuous change. We not only improve our techniques and learn new theories but also maintain a broad perspective. Each practitioner endeavors to enhance their personal skills and humanity. Exposure to diverse cultures and arts enriches our care with fresh insights. We remain in constant evolution, aiming to offer the finest care and support without settling for the status quo.
"Inspiring Everyone"
We value every encounter with all individuals. Care is not just about treatment; it's a dialogue between people. Our goal is for both clients and everyone connected to Loople to feel positive and energized. Through mutual inspiration and smiles, we encourage a richer daily life. Our aim is for your life itself to remain enriched and radiant, as Loople supports a bright, smiling, and healthy everyday existence.